Q: Do I need to make an appointment to get a flu shot?
A: No appointment is necessary. Please feel free to drop by for your flu shot.
Q: My child is currently going through a "sleepless nights" phase. He is 8 years old and I am afraid to give him sleeping medicine. What would you recommend?
A: I would call my doctor or pharmacist and ask to talk to them about this. There are several things I would look at first. I would check his current rx and otc medicines. Many medicines could cause this such as over the counter cold medicines or prescriptions medicines for hyperactivity. I would check his diet for caffienated foods or drinks like chocolate and sodas. I would also discuss daytime naps, bedtimes and wake up times along with his routines during the week and weekends. This is a valid concern that you should discuss with your family doctor.
Q: What is the best medicine for a sore throat?
A: Your throat may be sore due to a variety of reasons. If it is strained from overuse, a virus or drainage you can try a spray or lozenge that will help numb your throat. This will help you get thru the next couple of days until your body can heal itself. If you have a bacterial infection such as strep throat you must see a doctor as soon as possible to be treated with antibiotics. If left untreated bacterial infections can cause other more serious problems. It is not possible for a layman to tell the difference between viral and bacterial infections. When in doubt or if you have a fever you should contact your doctor.
Q: What is the best type of medicine for a cough? I have tried all of the cough drops out there and I still have cough due to cold symptoms.
A: For adults with no allergies I would recommend using a cough syrup with dextromethorphan such as Tussin DM. Drink plenty of fluids. If it persists please contact your doctor.
Q: What is the best way to get rid of lice? There has been an outbreak in my son's school and I don't know what to do.
A: Head lice are insects that live on humans. They are easily spread by contact when people share combs, brushes, hats, caps and other types of clothing. Once you or a family member have lice you must be vigilant in cleaning all items in the home to rid the home of the live lice and their eggs in addition to treating the person. Go by your pharmacy for a handout or information on all the steps to take in clearing up and preventing lice infestations.