DEAR DR. GOTT: I have about 15 moles all over my body. They feel like sandpaper, itch and are different sizes. Two on my back were a deep black. They fell off, and the spots are flat and itch. The last time I went to a doctor was about four years ago. I told her I was tired all the time and that my ears turn beet red. Her answer was, "That's the price you pay for being a woman." Do you think I might have skin cancer?
DEAR READER: A mole is a small, raised growth on the skin that is ordinarily dark and painless, but it can be annoying if it is located on a belt line or other area that is irritated by clothing. As a general rule, lesions can be considered harmless unless they grow, darken or change in some other way. When this occurs, a visit to a physician is in order.
You say you haven't been to a doctor in four years, and it's probably time to make an appointment. You can bring the issue to your doctor's attention, express your concerns, have the lesions examined and be guided by what you are told. Don't be satisfied with being told you have 15 itchy lesions on your body because you are a woman. That's bunk! Men can develop moles as often as women. Demand an appropriate answer. Either the lesions are benign and a simple nuisance to deal with, or they are suspicious and should be removed for biopsy. I've often referred patients to a dermatologist or general surgeon's office, where the simple office procedure of removal can be undertaken.
To give you related information, I am sending you a copy of my Health Report "What You Should Know: Skin Cancer."
DEAR DR. GOTT: About a month ago, you told of a medicine called rutin that is used for hemorrhoids, varicose veins and more. I took your column to my pharmacist, who didn't have it but said he would order it if I could find it. He also called a couple of suppliers, who also did not have it. Can you tell me where I can get rutin?
DEAR READER: Rutin is a bioflavonoid found in many fruits, vegetables and plants, such as black tea, apple peels, citrus fruits and buckwheat. This supplement is used to treat hemorrhoids, Meniere's disease, poor circulation, skin bruising and more.
If your pharmacy doesn't have a section for supplements, you will probably have better luck finding rutin at a health food store, so I suggest you begin there. You might tap into the Internet for a source that might ship directly to your door. As a third option, I am told Nutraceutical Corp. in North Babylon, N.Y., manufactures 500-milligram capsules for Thompson, a medical company.
Be sure to take the product according to the packaging instructions, as it does have side effects that include muscle stiffness, diarrhea, headache, dizziness and more.
DEAR READER: A mole is a small, raised growth on the skin that is ordinarily dark and painless, but it can be annoying if it is located on a belt line or other area that is irritated by clothing. As a general rule, lesions can be considered harmless unless they grow, darken or change in some other way. When this occurs, a visit to a physician is in order.
You say you haven't been to a doctor in four years, and it's probably time to make an appointment. You can bring the issue to your doctor's attention, express your concerns, have the lesions examined and be guided by what you are told. Don't be satisfied with being told you have 15 itchy lesions on your body because you are a woman. That's bunk! Men can develop moles as often as women. Demand an appropriate answer. Either the lesions are benign and a simple nuisance to deal with, or they are suspicious and should be removed for biopsy. I've often referred patients to a dermatologist or general surgeon's office, where the simple office procedure of removal can be undertaken.
To give you related information, I am sending you a copy of my Health Report "What You Should Know: Skin Cancer."
DEAR DR. GOTT: About a month ago, you told of a medicine called rutin that is used for hemorrhoids, varicose veins and more. I took your column to my pharmacist, who didn't have it but said he would order it if I could find it. He also called a couple of suppliers, who also did not have it. Can you tell me where I can get rutin?
DEAR READER: Rutin is a bioflavonoid found in many fruits, vegetables and plants, such as black tea, apple peels, citrus fruits and buckwheat. This supplement is used to treat hemorrhoids, Meniere's disease, poor circulation, skin bruising and more.
If your pharmacy doesn't have a section for supplements, you will probably have better luck finding rutin at a health food store, so I suggest you begin there. You might tap into the Internet for a source that might ship directly to your door. As a third option, I am told Nutraceutical Corp. in North Babylon, N.Y., manufactures 500-milligram capsules for Thompson, a medical company.
Be sure to take the product according to the packaging instructions, as it does have side effects that include muscle stiffness, diarrhea, headache, dizziness and more.