This week we are analyzing deals from social games. Look at the auction.
West opened one heart. North made a takeout double, promising short hearts and length in the other three suits (unless he had at least 18 points). East jumped pre-emptively to three hearts, showing four hearts and a weak hand. South leapt to five diamonds, bidding what he thought he could make. And everyone passed. With which calls do you disagree?
The play was speedy. West led the heart ace and shifted to a low spade. Declarer won with his ace and played the diamond eight, collecting West's king with dummy's ace. South continued with a diamond to his queen, then cashed the club king. When the bad break came to light, South was relieved, knowing that a slam had not been missed, and claimed 11 tricks: one spade, seven diamonds and three clubs. (Yes, West might have led the heart two at trick one, trying successfully to get a club ruff, but it would not have helped here.)
Now back to the auction. North's takeout double was thin but acceptable. East might have bid four hearts, but three was sensible. South might have cue-bid four hearts before bidding five diamonds to issue a slam-invitation, but that would have given his opponents more options.
It was West's pass over five diamonds that was bizarre. If partner had as little as the spade ace and four low hearts, six hearts would have had play. West should have continued with five hearts. That contract is unbeatable. Then South would have to judge very well to sacrifice in six diamonds.
Fit is fantastic.
West opened one heart. North made a takeout double, promising short hearts and length in the other three suits (unless he had at least 18 points). East jumped pre-emptively to three hearts, showing four hearts and a weak hand. South leapt to five diamonds, bidding what he thought he could make. And everyone passed. With which calls do you disagree?
The play was speedy. West led the heart ace and shifted to a low spade. Declarer won with his ace and played the diamond eight, collecting West's king with dummy's ace. South continued with a diamond to his queen, then cashed the club king. When the bad break came to light, South was relieved, knowing that a slam had not been missed, and claimed 11 tricks: one spade, seven diamonds and three clubs. (Yes, West might have led the heart two at trick one, trying successfully to get a club ruff, but it would not have helped here.)
Now back to the auction. North's takeout double was thin but acceptable. East might have bid four hearts, but three was sensible. South might have cue-bid four hearts before bidding five diamonds to issue a slam-invitation, but that would have given his opponents more options.
It was West's pass over five diamonds that was bizarre. If partner had as little as the spade ace and four low hearts, six hearts would have had play. West should have continued with five hearts. That contract is unbeatable. Then South would have to judge very well to sacrifice in six diamonds.
Fit is fantastic.