In Shakespeare's "Richard II," Lord Salisbury says, "O, call back yesterday, bid time return."
At the bridge table, sometimes we would like to take back a bid. But we can do that only when using some computer programs.
In this deal, what do you think of South's four-spade bid? Would you call it back?
Now that you are there, though, how would you plan the play? West leads the club queen. East wins with his ace and returns the suit to your king.
If you add one point for each of South's doubletons, his hand is worth 18 points, which makes four spades a fair gamble. If you count losers, South has only five: one spade, one heart (you never count beyond three in any suit), two diamonds and one club. That is the number for a jump to game. However, having said that, South might have rebid three hearts because North might have had three spades and five (or even six) hearts.
Since you have three top losers (two diamonds and one club), you must ruff your two low hearts on the board.
Start by cashing the ace and king of hearts, then ruff a heart with dummy's spade eight. Return to your hand with a club ruff and lead your last heart. When West follows suit, would you ruff high or low?
If you ruff low, you gain when West has four spades to the 10 and cannot get a trump promotion, or a singleton 10 — all highly unlikely. Ruff with the spade ace, then draw trumps.
Finally, mentally thank West for not finding a trump lead.
At the bridge table, sometimes we would like to take back a bid. But we can do that only when using some computer programs.
In this deal, what do you think of South's four-spade bid? Would you call it back?
Now that you are there, though, how would you plan the play? West leads the club queen. East wins with his ace and returns the suit to your king.
If you add one point for each of South's doubletons, his hand is worth 18 points, which makes four spades a fair gamble. If you count losers, South has only five: one spade, one heart (you never count beyond three in any suit), two diamonds and one club. That is the number for a jump to game. However, having said that, South might have rebid three hearts because North might have had three spades and five (or even six) hearts.
Since you have three top losers (two diamonds and one club), you must ruff your two low hearts on the board.
Start by cashing the ace and king of hearts, then ruff a heart with dummy's spade eight. Return to your hand with a club ruff and lead your last heart. When West follows suit, would you ruff high or low?
If you ruff low, you gain when West has four spades to the 10 and cannot get a trump promotion, or a singleton 10 — all highly unlikely. Ruff with the spade ace, then draw trumps.
Finally, mentally thank West for not finding a trump lead.