When partner opens one no-trump, you probably use transfers into the major suits. A two-diamond response shows at least five hearts with any point-count, and a two-heart response promises at least five spades.
Transfers are highly recommended. However, suppose an opponent opens one of a suit and partner overcalls one no-trump. What effect does that have?
It is still sensible to use transfers. But obviously if the opening bid was one of a major, it is not logical to transfer into that suit to show at least five cards there. Why choose a trump suit where an opponent has at least five cards?
There are a few worthwhile methods, but I like the following plan: If you transfer into the unbid major, it shows either a weak hand with no game interest or a strong hand worth at least game. But if you transfer into opener's major, you show at least five cards in the other major and game-invitational values — as in the diagram.
After East opens one heart and South overcalls one no-trump, showing a good 15 points to an average 18, North transfers into hearts to show eight or nine points with five or six spades. South, with four-card support and a near-maximum, jumps to game.
Against four spades, West leads the heart seven. Declarer can see four losers: one spade, two hearts and one club. But after winning the first trick, he immediately cashes three diamond tricks, discarding a heart from the board. Then South plays a trump, and claims shortly thereafter.
Transfers are highly recommended. However, suppose an opponent opens one of a suit and partner overcalls one no-trump. What effect does that have?
It is still sensible to use transfers. But obviously if the opening bid was one of a major, it is not logical to transfer into that suit to show at least five cards there. Why choose a trump suit where an opponent has at least five cards?
There are a few worthwhile methods, but I like the following plan: If you transfer into the unbid major, it shows either a weak hand with no game interest or a strong hand worth at least game. But if you transfer into opener's major, you show at least five cards in the other major and game-invitational values — as in the diagram.
After East opens one heart and South overcalls one no-trump, showing a good 15 points to an average 18, North transfers into hearts to show eight or nine points with five or six spades. South, with four-card support and a near-maximum, jumps to game.
Against four spades, West leads the heart seven. Declarer can see four losers: one spade, two hearts and one club. But after winning the first trick, he immediately cashes three diamond tricks, discarding a heart from the board. Then South plays a trump, and claims shortly thereafter.