Most marquee bridge players write at least one book. This usually contains famous deals involving this player. But a new book, written over a span of 15 years by Bobby Wolff, "The Lone Wolff" (Master Point Press), bucks this trend. It contains only five deals in which Wolff participated. Instead, Wolff gives an insider look at bridge organizers and organizations. He also spends a lot of time denigrating cheating and wishing that the powers could do even more to stamp it out. The book is not without flaws, but makes interesting reading.
Today's deal was played in a social game. Wolff was West, partnering comedian George Burns. South was Ira Corn, who founded the Aces professional bridge team, and North was Charlie Weed, who was in charge of mergers and acquisitions for Michigan General, Corn's company.
South ended in five diamonds. West led the club queen, East winning with his ace and dropping declarer's singleton king. What did Burns do next?
Burns deduced that when South rebid four diamonds, not four hearts, he denied three hearts, and that his likely distribution was 3-2-7-1. So Burns shifted to a heart, the only defense. South won with his king and played the diamond king, but East took his ace and led another heart, effectively killing the dummy.
If declarer tried to cash a heart trick, East would ruff, and South would lose a spade. If declarer called for the spade queen, East would play low and South would still lose a spade.
Today's deal was played in a social game. Wolff was West, partnering comedian George Burns. South was Ira Corn, who founded the Aces professional bridge team, and North was Charlie Weed, who was in charge of mergers and acquisitions for Michigan General, Corn's company.
South ended in five diamonds. West led the club queen, East winning with his ace and dropping declarer's singleton king. What did Burns do next?
Burns deduced that when South rebid four diamonds, not four hearts, he denied three hearts, and that his likely distribution was 3-2-7-1. So Burns shifted to a heart, the only defense. South won with his king and played the diamond king, but East took his ace and led another heart, effectively killing the dummy.
If declarer tried to cash a heart trick, East would ruff, and South would lose a spade. If declarer called for the spade queen, East would play low and South would still lose a spade.