Mr. and Mrs. Randy and Susan Cassedy of Statesboro announce the engagement of their daughter, Meghan Cassedy of Statesboro, to Will Spence, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff and Pam Spence.
The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Loretta Williams and the late James Williams and the late Ben and Myrt Cassedy. She is the great-granddaughter of the late Grady and Beatrice Williams, the late Ashton and Molly Cassedy, the late Henry Waters, the late Willie Mae Roberts and the late Dewey and Neelie Ackerman. Meghan is a 2009 graduate of Statesboro High School and is employed with Cable Ad-Concepts as a traffic and billing assistant.
The groom-elect is the grandson of Chuck Hunnicutt and the late Linda Hunnicutt and I.W. and Virginia Spence. He is the great-grandson of the late Rupert and Rachel Parrish, Zada Newton, the late Buck and Eunice Hendrix and the late Bud and Ola Spence. Will is a 2007 graduate of Portal High School and farms with his family at Spence & Sons Farms.
The couple is planning to wed on Saturday, October 11, 2014, at 5:30 p.m. at Camelot.
All friends and relatives are invited to attend.
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