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2024 Bulloch County Valedictorians
Bulloch Academy – Camille Wall
Camille Wall
Camille Wall

For the second year in a row, one of the Wall sisters is the class valedictorian for Bulloch Academy. Following in the footsteps of older sister Sophie, Camille Wall is the standard bearer for the BA class of 2024.

And she said she “feels bad for the pressure” they have put on their youngest sister, who is starting high school in August at Bulloch Academy. “No, I know she’ll do really well.”

Wall said that while she was a good student, it took until her junior year to where she really understood the commitment it takes to be a successful scholar.

“I honed my work ethic really well,” she said. “Especially by my junior year I got my time management down in terms of studying and my math homework. 

“I saw a lot of kids wait until the night before and do all the studying and all the math homework then. My friends and I learned to stretch out the work so it’s even and organized and that had a huge effect on the way I studied. 

"It really took me my freshman and sophomore years to figure out what was best for me in the way to study.”

With her older sister now attending Clemson University and her father, orthodontist Dr. Michael Wall, an alumnus of the South Carolina school, Camille Wall liked Clemson, but she opted to attend Wake Forest University in North Carolina.

“I loved the Wake Forest campus and learning more about the faculty/student ratio, it’s really more of a community-oriented school than others I toured,” she said. “It reminds me of the feeling I had at Bulloch Academy and I got that community feeling more at Wake Forest than other schools I toured.”

Like many high school graduates getting ready for their first year of college, Wall is not certain of her future career path, but she said she knows where she will start.

“I chose English as a major with an idea of perhaps pursuing law, but it’s very up in the air right now,” she said. “I have been a strong reader all my life and in high school I discovered I am a lot better with English than I am with other subjects and I enjoy it so much more.”

But as she heads off to college, Wall said she will treasure her time at Bulloch Academy.

“I loved how it feels like one big family,” she said. “I knew all of the teachers there. They always greeted me in the halls. You know everybody and you have some sort of relationship with all of them. Some of my classmates I have been with since Pre-K and kindergarten.

“I loved knowing everybody and that created a comfortable situation that I thrived in and I hope to develop a similar feeling at Wake Forest.”

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