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Back to School Giveaway, fundraiser set
Festivities scheduled for Saturday morning at Luetta Moore Center
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    The African-American Business Owners Community Foundation Inc. will launch its new 2013 fundraising effort, “Pave the Way with 200K” campaign, during the organization’s annual Back to School Giveaway event on Saturday, July 27, from 10 a.m. until noon at the Luetta Moore Center on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive.
    The Back to School event was highly successful last year due to the efforts of its coordinators, Gayla Donaldson, Lisa Campbell and Annette Holloway, as well as the many churches, businesses and other community members who generously donated items.
    This year, the foundation plans to expand upon the event by offering community members additional entertainment such as water slides, jumpers, face painting, organized games, hot dogs and snacks; and more importantly, by launching a unique, fundraising effort developed with the community’s interests at heart.
    The “Pave the Way with 200K” campaign is an initiative developed by the foundation that aims to gather community support to raise $200,000, which will be placed back into the community for needs in the areas of health/wellness, youth, education, business and community development. These funds are being raised solely for the needs of Bulloch County residents. Therefore, any charitable organization that serves Bulloch County residents, within the previously mentioned areas, may apply for and/or receive grant funding.
    “Collectively, we are coming together to make a positive difference in the lives of our community members. The AABOCF wishes to model for our children and grandchildren that it is more blessed to give than to receive. It is our sincere hope that everyone will join this collaborative effort. We are asking all of Bulloch County to support our effort and generously donate,” said Annette Holloway, founder and president of the AABOCF. “Many times, fundraising organizations call Bulloch County residents asking that we donate money for a wide variety of seemingly worthy causes, yet, we find that the money never gets to the people who truly need it and certainly does not come to the residents of Bulloch County. Leaders of the AABOCF recognized this problem and in response to community need, developed the ‘Pave the Way with 200K’ campaign, which will end with an annual community banquet devoted to informing the community of how donors’ heartfelt donations have blessed the lives of local citizens.”
    The foundation has identified six official team leaders to oversee the campaign. The team leaders and causes they represent are posted on the organization’s website. For further information, visit or email Annette Holloway at
    Please consider a generous donation to this worthy cause. All contributions are 100 percent tax-deductible. The foundation adds that with “Pave the Way with 200K,” “What’s raised in Bulloch County stays in Bulloch County!”

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