The following are among the food service establishments inspected in June by the Bulloch County Health Department. The department scores on a 100-percentile scale. Kitchens are inspected at least every four months and are required to post their score sheets in public. The score and selected comments from health inspectors are included in each report. All eating establishments are located in Statesboro, except where noted. To view all restaurant scores, visit -health-inspections and select Bulloch County.
June 7
➤ Willingway, 311 Jones Mill Road
▲ Score: 93
Observed pink organic matter on ice machine baffle. Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. Correct by 06/17. Observed no chlorine test strips for dishwasher in facility nor were any available upon request. A test kit or other device that accurately measures the concentration in mg/L of sanitizing solutions shall be provided. Correct by 06/17. Inspector: Quentin Smith.
June 10
➤ El Rinconcito, 2 College Plaza
▲ Score: 90
Observed uncovered food items on counters. Observed uncovered food items in reach-in coolers. Observed reach-in coolers and chest freezers without internal thermometers. Observed flies in kitchen. Observed flies in drains by dishwasher. Inspector: Thomas.
➤ Soul Statesboro, 721 South Main Street Suite 13
▲ Score: 98
Observed most current inspection report not posted. Observed single-service items not stored to protect lip contact surfaces. Inspector: Marlin Thomas.
June 13
➤ It's Thyme, 2354 IG Lanier Road, Pembroke
▲ Score: 100
Inspector: Aaron Jump.
June 14
➤ Emma's, 455 Commerce Drive
▲ Score: 89
Observed soda nozzles with organic matter buildup. Advised person in charge to clean nozzles daily. Observed chemical spray bottle not labeled with common name. Corrected on-site; person in charge labeled bottle. Observed facility without sanitizer testing strips. Inspector: Adreanna Konadu.
➤ Marriot Springhill Suites, 105 Springhill Drive
▲ Score: 99
Observed single-service items not in protective sleeves to protect from contamination. Inspector: Thomas.
June 17
➤ Coconut Thai Cuisine, 7 College Plaza
▲ Score: 76
Observed fish thawing in hand-washing sink. Corrected on-site; fish removed from sink. A handwashing facility may not be used for purposes other than hand washing. Observed pink organic matter on ice machine baffle. Advised person in charge to clean ice machine. Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. Observed multiple potentially-hazardous foods without a date-mark for 7-day discard date. Advised person in charge to date foods for 7-day discard date immediately after preparation. Observed fish cooling in individual plastic wrapping and with an internal temp of 46 degrees F. Corrected on-site; food discarded. Observed cooked foods being stored on the floor. Corrected on-site; food discarded. Observed heavy grease buildup on cooking equipment and on floor. Observed rodent droppings in dry storage area. Person in charge provided receipts of current pest control plan. Person in charge was advised to utilize more traps and to clean area of rodent droppings. Inspector: Konadu.
➤ Southern Palace, 224 South Main Street
▲ Score: 91
Observed food contact surfaces of sandwich coolers cleaned and stored on floor and walls. Corrected on-site; person in charge cleaned and properly stored surfaces. Observed buildup around cooking equipment and inside walk-in cooler. Non-food-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris. Correct by 06/20. Observed damaged walls and ceiling in multiple areas in facility. All physical facilities shall be maintained in good repair. Correct by 06/20. Observed multiple dead flies on trap throughout kitchen. Corrected on-site; person in charge removed dead flies from facility. Inspector: Smith.
June 18
➤ Uncle Shug's On Main, 434 South Main Street
▲ Score: 88
Observed organic buildup on inside of ice shoot of soda fountain. Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. Correct by 06/18. Observed non-food contact surfaces -- inside of reach-in cooler, side of cooking equipment and shelving -- with debris and buildup. Non-food-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris. Observed several stained ceiling tiles in kitchen and walls in the kitchen/prep area. Observed heavy debris on floors. The physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean and by methods that prevent contamination of food products. Correct by 06/21. Observed buildup on vent hood filters and expired service tag on all ventilation hoods. Intake and exhaust air ducts shall be cleaned and filters changed so they are not a source of contamination by dust, dirt and other materials. If vented to the outside, ventilation systems may not create a public health hazard or nuisance or unlawful discharge. Correct by 06/21. Observed excessive flies in back kitchen. The presence of insects, rodents and other pests shall be controlled to minimize their presence on the premises. Correct by 06/21. Observed rat droppings in storage area. Eliminate harborage conditions. Correct by 06/21. Inspector: Smith.
June 20
➤ B + B Catering, 1029 Bradford Way
▲ Score: 100 (New)
Inspector: Jump.
June 27
➤ Bulloch County Correctional Complex, 17257 Highway 301 North
▲ Score: 91
Observed buildup on can opener blade. Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. Correct by 07/07. Observed dishwasher not reaching proper hot sanitizing temperature. Observed sanitizer sink in 3-compartment sink reading 0 ppm. A chemical sanitizer used in a sanitizing solution for a manual or mechanical operation at contact times specified under Department of Public Health (DPH) rules shall meet the requirements specified in DPH rules and shall be used in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered label use instructions. Correct by 07/07. Observed potentially-hazardous food items in walk-in cooler without proper date-marking. Corrected on-site; person in charge discarded item and properly labeled. Observed unclean storage bin for brown sugar. Corrected on-site; person in charge cleaned bin. Inspector: Smith.
➤ Phenomenal Memories, 6 Carver Street
▲ Score: 100
Inspector: Jump.
June 28
➤ Bourbon Grill & More, 10 Statesboro Mall
▲ Score: 92
Observed heavy debris on grill in cooking area. Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. Correct by 07/07. Observed old inspection report displayed with wrong letter grade. The most current inspection report shall be prominently displayed in public view at all times, within 15 feet of the front or primary public door and between five feet and seven feet from the floor and in an area where it can be read at a distance of one foot away. Correct by 06/28. Observed debris and food buildup in the bottom of the reach-in cooler, shelving, outside of cooking equipment. Non-food-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris. Correct by 07/01. Observed buildup on floors, walls and ceilings. Observed damaged floor tiles in grill area. All physical facilities shall be maintained in good repair. Correct by 07/01. Inspector: Smith.
➤ Del Sur Tacos & Cantina, 514 South Main Street
▲ Score: 92
Observed uncovered rice cakes in walk-in cooler. Corrected on-site; person in charge discarded. Observed dishwasher not properly sanitizing food contact surfaces in main ware-washing area and outside bar. Corrected on-site; bar dishwasher was restocked with sanitizer bottle and main dishwasher in kitchen was repaired on-site. Observed buildup of food debris and grease on cooking equipment and shelving. Non-food-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris. Correct by 07/01. Observed food debris and buildup on floors, walls, ceiling tiles in kitchen. The physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean and by methods that prevent contamination of food products. Correct by 07/01. Inspector: Smith.