Bulloch County is poised to join a regional economic development consortium that hopes to capitalize on the soon-to-be-deepened Savannah harbor.The Bulloch County Board of Commissioners’ agenda for its next meeting, set for 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, is a motion to approve a resolution to establish a joint development authority with Bryan, Chatham and Effingham counties.That group, to be called the Savannah Harbor-Interstate 16 Corridor Joint Development Authority, would include an eight-member board, two from each of the counties. The agenda item summary included with the packet for Tuesday’s meeting says the authority would serve “to enhance regional cooperation for attracting potential large-scale development projects.”Bryan and Effingham counties have agreed to the authority. Chatham County commissioners have one more meeting this year, set for Dec. 19, and the authority was not on the agenda for their last meeting, Dec. 5.Benjy Thompson, the CEO of the Development Authority of Bulloch County, said in an interview Friday that the regional authority provides for better communication and the ability to coordinate resources for industries that might want to locate along the I-16 corridor.In June, President Barack Obama signed into law a measure authorizing the deepening of the harbor to go forward.
Bulloch looking at regional development authority
County hopes to benefit from harbor deepening