Notable changes for the proposed 2013-14 Bulloch County school calendar buck a recent tradition and give additional days to assist students that have fallen behind. A calendar introduced by school administrators earlier this month would, for the first time in several years, schedule a fall break that does not align with the annual Kiwanis Ogeechee Fair; it would also build-in more time to facilitate tutoring for students who do not pass Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests. The calendar was presented to the Bulloch County School Board in December, and will be voted on when the group convenes Jan. 10.According to Bulloch County Schools Superintendent Charles Wilson, children will not spend “fair week” out of school — the system would break for Fall Holidays earlier next year (Oct. 7-11) — because of the fair being scheduled later than usual.
Bulloch school officials propose calendar for 2013-14 year
Plan would move spring, fall breaks, allow more time for tutoring students