December 6
➤ Wendy's, 500 Fair Road ▲ Score: 96
Observed foods being stored uncovered in a reach-in unit and an open bag of chicken patties in the walk-in freezer. Corrected on-site; person in charge placed foods in closed bags. Inspector: Adreanna Konadu.
➤ Willingway, 311 Jones Mill Road
▲ Score: 93
Observed pink organic matter on ice machine baffle. Observed dried food buildup on can opener blade. Observed a bowl without a handle being stored in a container of sugar as a scooper. Corrected on-site; person in charge removed bowl and replaced it with a scoop with a handle. Inspector: Konadu.
December 7
➤ Chipotle Mexican Grill, 170 Brampton Avenue ▲ Score: 90
Observed carne asada cold-holding with internal temperature of 47 degrees F. Corrected on-site; food discarded. Do not use cooler at cook station until operating normally and reinspected by the health department. Call (912) 764-5969. Observed grease dripping down walls from vent hood and onto floor. Vent needs to be serviced regularly and kept clean. Correct by 12/21. Inspector: Aaron Jump.
➤ Del Sur Tacos & Cantina, 514 South Main Street
▲ Score: 94
Observed buildup of food debris and grease on cooking equipment. Nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris. Correct by 12/10. Observed food debris and buildup on floors, walls, ceiling tiles in kitchen. The physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean and by methods that prevent contamination of food products. Correct by 12/10. Observed fly activity in ware-washing area. The presence of insects, rodents and other pests shall be controlled to minimize their presence on the premises. Correct by 12/10. Inspector: Quenton Smith.
➤ Great Wall, 620 Fair Road Suite A
▲ Score: 87
Observed employee food in preparation area and stored with facility food items. Corrected on-site; person in charge properly stored employee food and was educated on approved areas for employee consumption. Observed cooked chicken wings and bites cold-holding above 41 degrees F. Corrected on-site; person in charge discarded food items. Inspector: Smith.
➤ Smoothie King, 357 Brampton Avenue
▲ Score: 84
Items in reach-in freezer are uncovered and subject to contamination from frost accumulations and other debris. Observed chemical bottles with no labels. Bottles must be labeled with common name. Observed heavy food debris in all reach-in coolers and frost buildup. Need to be defrosted. Observed slow drains at prep sink and hand sink. Inspector: Jump.
➤ Uncle Shug's On Main, 434 South Main Street
▲ Score: 85
Observed hand-washing sink used for other purposes than washing hands. A hand-washing sink may not be used for purposes other than hand-washing. Correct by 12/07. Observed no paper towels supplied at hand-washing station in back kitchen area. Corrected on-site; person in charge provided paper towels to station. Observed boxes of food stored on the floor in walk-in freezer. Food shall be protected from contamination by storing the food in a clean, dry location, where it is not exposed to splash, dust or other contamination and at least six inches (15 cm) above the floor. Correct by 12/10. Observed facility to have no testing strips to measure sanitizer concentration. A test kit or other device that accurately measures the concentration in mg/L of sanitizing solutions shall be provided. Observed non-food contact surfaces (inside of reach-in cooler, side of cooking equipment and shelving) with debris and buildup. Non-food-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue and other debris. Correct by 12/10. Observed several stained tiles in kitchen and dirty filters in the kitchen/prep area. Observed heavy debris on floors. The physical facilities shall be cleaned as often as necessary to keep them clean and by methods that prevent contamination of food products. Correct by 12/10. Observed excessive flies in back kitchen and observed excessive rat droppings in facility in storage area and above dish washer. The presence of insects, rodents and other pests shall be controlled to minimize their presence on the premises. Additionally, a certified pest control operator shall be consulted. Correct by 12/10. Inspector: Smith.
December 8
➤ Chicken Salad Chick, 715 Northside Drive East Suite 2
▲ Score: 95
Observed organic buildup inside soda nozzles. Soda nozzles must be cleaned at a frequency specified by the manufacturer or absent manufacturer specifications, at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil or mold. Corrected on-site; soda nozzles cleaned and sanitized. Observed liquid and food debris in bottom of reach-in cooler. Clean often enough to prevent accumulations. May want to have cooler unit serviced to prevent so much condensation. Inspector: Jump.