Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.
Statesboro Police Arrests
Arrests Tuesday through Thursday will be reported Friday.
Bulloch Sheriff's Arrests
Kelvin Terrell Ritter, 20, Fairdale Road, Allendale, SC - probation violation.
Mickie Sherelle McKever, 31, Foxwood Drive, Warner Robbins - probation violation.
Christy Rene Pallay, 37, East Grady Street - probation violation.
Cregg Lavon Mincey, 44, U.S 80 West, Portal - DUI, open container, failure to yield after stopping at a stop sign.
Georgia State Patrol Arrests
Troopers issued three traffic violation citations Tuesday.
Georgia Southern University Arrests
Information unavailable. Arrests Tuesday through Monday will be reported Tues. Dec. 1.
Statesboro Police Incidents
U.S. HAIR - A woman shoplifted some hair extensions, and when the clerk pursued her, she struck the clerk.
EAGLE GATE APARTMENTS - A man said another male entered his home and struck him in the mouth after starting an argument.
WAL-MART - An employee stole a gift card, placed $1,500 value on it, bought an X-box 360 and a game, then returned the item for a refund. He admitted this by written statement, police reported.
WEST MAIN STREET - A woman said her child's father grabbed her by the throat and hit her several times while she held their two-year-old son. Both she and the child fell and suffered minor injuries, which were treated by EMTs.
PIZZA HUT - A woman said someone stole a camcorder, her purse and camera from her car.
COPPER BEECH APARTMENTS - A woman said her boyfriend pushed her and slammed her to the floor during an argument over breaking up.
MORRIS HEIGHTS APARTMENTS - A woman said she hid in the bathroom when another female came over to fight. When she refused to come out, the offender took two cell phones.
BO'S AUTO SALES - Someone broke in, stole four car keys, and then took a 2003 Ford Crown Victoria. Also, someone took a fax machine. Police later arrested a 15-year-old in connection to the crimes.
AMERICAN GENERAL MAINTENANCE - Someone tool several power tools.
UNIVERSITY PLACE APARTMENTS - A man reported a Play Station 3 stolen during a party.
PEG WEN BOULEVARD - A woman said someone took her purse, and $20 from a car.
Bulloch County Sheriff's Incidents
DRY BRANCH VILLAGE - (Register) A mobile home park owner called deputies to have a man who had been evicted removed from the property. When deputies arrived, they discovered the complainant had struck the other man's car, then got out and began cursing. Deputies noted the land lord was intoxicated, but he refused to submit to alcohol testing and was arrested for DUI (refusal of testing). The evicted tenant said the land lord had also pulled a hand gun. Deputies did not find a gun.
BOWEN ROAD - (Portal) A man reported a burglary where someone removed a storage room door and took a CD player and amplifier.
SKYVIEW DRIVE - (Statesboro) Three TVs and a VCR/DVD combo were stolen.
PAWN CITY - (Fair Road, Statesboro) A man reported another man pawned a metal break and a chain saw that belonged to him.
THOMKIN DRIVE - (Statesboro) A woman reported vulgar graffiti spray painted in her garage.
Georgia State Patrol Incidents
Troopers issued 11 warning Tuesday.
Georgia Southern University Incidents
Information unavailable. Incidents occurring between Tuesday and Sunday will be reported Tuesday. Dec. 3.
Central 911 Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County Sheriff's Department- nine calls.
Statesboro Police Department- 22 calls.
University Police Department - no calls.
Georgia State Patrol - three calls.
Candler County Sheriff's Department - five calls.
Evans County Sheriff's Department - one call.
Claxton Police Department - three calls.
Brooklet Police Department - three calls.
911 Fire Department Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Tuesday:
Statesboro Fire Department - four calls.
Claxton Fire Department - one call.
Hagan Fire Department - one call.
911 EMS Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County EMS - nine medical calls.
Candler County EMS - three medical calls.
Evans County EMS - two medical calls.
Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Tuesday: call to Effingham County 911, a call to Tattnall County 911, a call to Emanuel County 911 and a call to Bryan County 911.
- compiled by Holli Deal Bragg.
Police Report - November 26

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