On its last day in business, Snooky’s was busy from 5:30 a.m.Prior to the usual 6 a.m. opening time, a church group had met for a last devotional breakfast at the restaurant. By 7:30, the place was packed with many of the regulars who nearly lived there, as well as occasional patrons stopping in to savor memories with grits, eggs, coffee and commemorative T-shirts.For the breakfast crowd, at least, the parting need not be completely final. A portion of the Snooky’s workforce is heading to nearby RJ’s Seafood & Steaks, which will begin offering “Snooky’s Breakfast at RJ’s” beginning Monday.It cannot be quite the same for regulars such as general contractor Tim Peabody.
Farewell, Snooky's
Long-time customers, friends enjoy one last meal

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