On Georgia’s main scorecard of school performance, the College and Career Ready Performance Index, the Bulloch County Schools’ overall gains for 2016-2017 exceeded the average improvement for school systems statewide by one-tenth of a point. Overall, the county school system’s composite CCRPI score, 73.1, remained 1.9 points below the statewide score of 75.0. “So while we’re still lagging behind the state just a little on our overall score, we are closing the gap a little bit,” Noralee Edwards, director of data support for Bulloch County Schools, told the Board of Education this week. Although below the mean, the Bulloch County Schools’ score was a little above the median, placing 101st of the 208 school systems included in the reports.
Half of Bulloch schools gain on state report
CCRPI mixed, but some schools progress stands out

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