Two camps of the Sons of Confederate Veterans - the Ogeechee Rifles of Statesboro and Ebenezer Rifles of Effingham County - recently held dedication ceremonies for two flagpoles in Bulloch County. A 55-foot pole flying the Confederate Battle Flag was placed on US Highway 80 East in Stilson, and a 30-foot pole also flying the Confederate Battle Flag was put up in a privately-owned park in downtown Stilson. Speakers at the event were Michael Givens, (National) Commander in Chief; Gary Ursury, GA Division Lt Comander South; 5th Brigade Commander Mike Mull; 6th Brigade Commander Jim Cavanaugh, Deke Cox, Commander Ogeechee Rifles, Thad Beckum, Former Commander Ebenezer Rifles, and Daryl Drake, Former Commander Buckhead/Camp Lawton.
Historic Confederate flagpoles dedicated in Stilson
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