The following are among the food service establishments inspected in November and December by the Bulloch County Health Department. The department scores on a 100-percentile scale. Kitchens are inspected at least every four months and are required to post their score sheets in public. The score and selected comments from health inspectors are included in each report. All eating establishments are located in Statesboro, except where noted. To view all restaurant scores, visit
• Nov. 24
Krystal, 781 Brannen Street Score: 86
Cover all food items when not in use. All personal food items must have designated area; cannot be stored in food prep areas. Employees must change gloves after handling raw meat. Clean floors in cooler/freezer. Clean floors under and around equipment in kitchen area. Clean floors in mop sink area. Hang all mops when not in use. Store all brooms in designated area when not in use. Rid kitchen of flies. Inspector: Marlin Thomas.
• Nov. 30
Krystal, 781 Brannen Street Score: 96 (Reinspection)
All cloths must be stored in sanitizing solution or in dirty cloth container. Protect all single-service articles. Inspector: Thomas.
Burger King #14614, 602 Fair Road Score: 93
Get thermometer in all coolers. Cooks must wear hat or hair net. Keep ice scoop handle-up in ice. Keep cups in plastic sleeves. Inspector: Brad Wiggins.
Arby's, 622 Fair Road Score: 89
Cooler must hold food at 41 degrees F or less. Thermometers must read accurately. Replace worn utensils. Clean walls where needed. Food discarded. Thermometer calibrated on-site. Inspector: Wiggins.
• Dec. 2
Arby's, 622 Fair Road Score: 93 (Reinspection)
Clean slicer. Repair cooler door. Clean walls where needed. Inspector: Wiggins.
• Dec. 1
Beaver House, 121 South Main Street Score: 95
Observed ice scoop inside drop-down ice maker; corrected on-site. Store clean utensils facing the same direction to protect food contact areas. Broken and damaged utensils noted in kitchen. Wood shelving in pantry used to hold pans/bowls has damaged surfaces. Clean fan and rack next to sink. Clean outsides of storage bins and equipment. Repair holes in walls/floors. Clean walls and blinds. Clean vent hood filters. Inspector: Misty McKanna.
• Dec. 2
Shogun Japanese Restaurant, 12218 Highway 301 South Score: 78
Personal beverages sitting on prep areas. Personal drinks must have lid and straw. Clean inside of toaster oven. Prepared food not marked with date of preparation or date for disposal. Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses. Scoops with handles must be used for food items. Keep the handles out of the food. Do not use bowls as scoops. Single-use gloves not changed as needed after changing tasks or when damaged or soiled. Raw wood shelving in sushi area has water damage. Broken bin lids and scoops noted in kitchen and storage. Replace or resurface heavily-grooved cutting boards. Replace/repair tiles where needed in storage, coolers, freezers and under dish washer. Repair damaged walls. Inspector: McKanna.
• Dec. 4
Shogun Japanese Restaurant, 12218 Highway 301 South Score: 95 (Reinspection)
Do not store beverage bottles in ice bin - 2-liter bottles. Repair damaged walls going into kitchen/storage. Great work. Inspector: McKanna.
• Dec. 2
Chili's, 435 Commerce Drive Score: 81
Clean slicer. Get proper advisory. Coolers must hold food at 41 degrees F or cooler. Keep scoop handles out of food. Replace burned plastic bowls. Surfaces must be cleanable. Food discarded. Inspector: Wiggins.
• Dec. 4
Chili's, 435 Commerce Drive Score: 92 (Reinspection)
Clean thermometer before probing foods. Clean food carts. Seal bottoms of doors. Inspector: Wiggins.
• Dec. 3
Statesboro High School, 10 Lester Road Score: 94
Cooks must not wear hand/arm jewelry. No direct connection allowed between potable water and non-potable water. Ice machine discharge must have air gap. Inspector: Wiggins.
Larry's Giant Subs, 620 Fair Road Score: 90
Clean Coke cap dispensers. No hand/arm jewelry allowed on food preps aside from plain wedding band. Seal bottoms of doors leading outside. Inspector: Wiggins.
Papa John's Pizza, 620 Fair Road Score: 80
Person in charge must know basic food safety. Person must wash hands when returning from restroom. Do not keep personal drinks/food in coolers. Hair must be restrained. Fingernails cannot extend past fingertips of food preps. Inspector: Wiggins.
• Dec. 4
Papa John's Pizza, 620 Fair Road Score: 96 (Reinspection)
Hair must be restrained. Inspector: Wiggins.
• Dec. 7
Huddle House, 216 Lanier Drive Score: 64
Observed employee improperly washing hands. Observed food employee handling cooked product and raw product with the same gloves. Observed a beverage container over/next to clean equipment/utensils. Hand-wash sink used to hold sanitizer rag, container and utensil. Observed soiled spatulas on clean utensil rack. Observed potentially-hazardous food cold held at greater than 41 degrees F. Thermometer calibrated on-site. Observed potentially-hazardous food without date-marking. Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses. Observed single-service articles handled, displayed or dispensed in a manner that allows for contamination. Observed damaged single-use gloves not changed. Observed employee washing gloves. Discard damaged cutting boards, bin lids and utensils. Clean under grill. Clean shelf that holds slicer parts. Repair damaged walls. Clean soiled walls. Repair damaged floor in walk-in cooler. Management has placed orders for replacing damaged items and repairing equipment. Inspector: McKanna.
• Dec. 10
Huddle House, 216 Lanier Drive Score: 98 (Reinspection)
Repair damaged walls. Repair damaged floor in walk-in cooler. Well done. Great work. Inspector: McKanna.
• Dec. 7
Willie's Fast Food, 139 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Score: 92
Keep single-service items protected in storage. Keep wiping cloths in sanitizer between uses. Fix/repair areas where needed. Inspector: W.J. Street.
• Dec. 8
William James Middle School,18201 Highway 80 West Score: 91
Employees must wash hands when returning from breaks/eating. Inspector: Wiggins.
Willow Pond, 4344 Country Club Road Score: 90
Clean floor under reach-in cooler. Protect single-use items in storage. Improper utensil storage; spoons and forks in drawer with trash bags, coffee filters, papers, etc. Keep handles in same direction. Clean cabinet where pots and pans are stored. Clean food contact surfaces. Clean inside of microwave. Clean shelf where condiments/spices are stored. Floor and window seat in dry storage needs cleaning. Cooling units on cooler and freezer need cleaning. Clean underside of juice dispenser. Inspector: Street.
Ogeechee River Coffee House, 1100 G Brampton Avenue Score: 78
Observed potentially-hazardous food cold held at greater than 41 degrees F. Food found stored past disposal date marked; corrected on site. Observed unlabeled spray bottle of chemical. Kitchen bowls/utensils not properly protected or inverted to prevent contamination. Keep cups in plastic sleeves. Observed utensils in poor condition. Clean floors. Inspector: McKanna.
• Dec. 11
Ogeechee River Coffee House, 1100 G Brampton Avenue Score: 97 (Reinspection)
Clean the exterior surfaces of equipment. Clean the remainder of the dirty floors in the storage room; corrected on-site. Great work. Inspector: McKanna.
• Dec. 8
Pepper Jack's, 83 Parrish Street, Portal Score: 92
Fix leaking faucet on 3-compartment sink. Clean inside of prep cooler. Keep sanitizer at proper ppm. Keep slicer clean in storage. Hood has grease droplets present. Inspector: Street.
Captain D's Restaurant, 304 South Main Street Score: 90
Clean knives. Persons must change gloves when needed. Cannot wash gloves. Paint shelves in dry storage. Clean sides of cooler. Repair ceiling where needed. Repair leak in ceiling. Seal holes/gaps in back door. Inspector: Wiggins.
Taco Bell, 729 Northside Drive Score: 95
Get thermometers in all coolers. Keep to-go plates in sleeves. Clean cooler and freezer bottoms. Inspector: Wiggins.
• Dec. 9
Walker Pharmacy, 100 Brampton Avenue Score: 94
Need proper test strips for sanitizer. Clean sandwich press. Inspector: Street.
Blimpie's, 715 Northside Drive Score: 86
Clean around AC vents. Need hot water on at hand sink. Need self-closure on back door. Clean wall behind 3-compartment sink. Sanitizer not at proper ppm while washing dishes. Clean floors in areas. Clean outside of coolers and cabinets in rear of store. Repair floor where needed. Inspector: Street.
• Dec. 18
Blimpie's, 715 Northside Drive Score: 92 (Reinspection)
Need CFSM. Floor needs repairing. Much better. Inspector: Street.
• Dec. 9
Manny's/Quality Inn, 230 South Main Street Score: 84
Cover all food items when not in use. All cold food items must be held at 40 degrees F or below. Label all food items. Inspector: Thomas.
• Dec. 11
Manny's/Quality Inn, 230 South Main Street Score: 96 (Reinspection)
Clean ice machine inside. Inspector: Thomas.
• Dec. 9
Christopher's, 441 South Main Street Score: 82
All personal drinks must have designated area. Do not store anything on or in hand-wash sink. Cover all food items when not in use and in coolers/freezers. Out of date milk in cooler. Label all food containers. All food items must be stored six inches off of floor. All wiping cloths must be stored in sanitizer or dirty towel container when not in use. Store all scoops with handles out of product. Clean floors under and around all equipment. Clean bottoms of coolers. Inspector: Thomas.
• Dec. 11
Christopher's, 441 South Main Street Score: 96 (Reinspection)
Must have thermometers in all coolers/freezers. Protect all single-service items. Inspector: Thomas.
• Dec. 10
Bruce's Restaurant, 8741 Highway 301 South Score: 95
Ice maker chute exterior has build-up. Cracked chopper blade and storage lid observed. Great job. Inspector: McKanna.
Gentilly Gardens, 625 Gentilly Road Score: 99
Need chlorine test strips. Discard damaged utensils - non-cleanable. Inspector: Street.
Coconut Thai Cuisine, 7 College Plaza Score: 91
Label bulk units. Keep foods covered in freezer. Clean floors. Paint raw wood shelves. Inspector: Street.
Southeast Bulloch High School, P.O. Box 68, Brooklet Score: 96
All personal food items must have designated area. protect all single-service items. Inspector: Thomas.
Pizza Pit, 608 Northside Drive West Score: 90
Cover all food items when not in use in coolers/freezers. Improper cloth storage. All cloths must be stored in sanitizing solution or dirty towel container. Protect all single-service items. Clean bottoms of coolers. Clean toilets and urinals in bathrooms. Inspector: Thomas.
• Dec. 14
Sonic Drive In, 322 South Main Street Score: 96
Cover all food items when not in use. Inspector: Thomas.
El Rinconcito, 2 College Plaza Score: 90
Unlabeled working containers observed. Wet wiping cloth not stored in sanitizing solution between uses. No proper chemical test kit provided for measuring the concentration of the sanitizer solution used for wiping cloths. Repair damaged walls and floors. Very clean. Inspector: McKanna.
Southern Manor, 1532 Fair Road Score: 92
Clean inside of microwave. Store wiping cloths in sanitizer solution between uses. Label bulk bag - corn starch. Clean shelves in reach-in cooler. Need to know where sanitizer test strips are. Inspector: Street.
Heavenly Ham, 607 Brannen Street Score: 89
Cover all foods. Clean ice machine. Label all foods. Food preps must restrain hair. No hand/arm jewelry/watches allowed on food preps aside from plain wedding ring. Post hand-washing sign at all hand sinks. Post most recent inspection within 15 feet of front door and where customers can come within one foot of the report. Inspector: Wiggins.
• Dec. 16
Heavenly Ham, 607 Brannen Street Score: 97 (Reinspection)
Seal bottom of front door. Inspector: Wiggins.
• Dec. 14
Kentucky Fried Chicken, 202 North Main Street Score: 92
All ready-to-eat food items must have discard dates. Protect all single-service articles. Repair all damaged walls, ceilings. Repair any flaking paint on walls, ceilings. Inspector. Thomas.
Sonny's, 1602 Statesboro Place Score: 89
Wipe down shelves in walk-in coolers. Clean inside of microwave oven. Keep outside of food containers clean. Protect single-use items in storage - coffee filters, tops. Wipe shelf over deep fryer; grease drops present. Improper sneeze shield at salad bar; been discussed at prior visits. Label large meat containers in walk-in cooler; holding at greater than 24 degrees F. Inspector: Street.
• Dec. 15
Chick-fil-A of Statesboro, 703 Northside Drive East Score: 90
Do not store any items in hand-wash sink. Must have correct labels on food items. Clean cooler bottoms. Clean floors under and around equipment. Inspector: Thomas.
Domino's, 17 College Plaza Score: 78
No eating allowed in kitchen. Cover all drinks with a lid and straw. Cooler must hold food temp at 41 degrees F or lower. Do not store toxic materials around food. Get thermometers in all coolers. Clean dirty areas of kitchen. Clean drink trays. Clean toilets. Repair and repaint walls. Clean cooler floor. Lighting in cooler inadequate. Cooler cannot be used until it reaches 41 degrees F and is rechecked by the health department. Food discarded. Inspector: Wiggins.
• Dec. 17
Domino's, 17 College Plaza Score: 98 (Reinspection)
Clean toilets. Repair and repaint walls. Lighting in cooler inadequate. Inspector: Wiggins.
• Dec. 15
Shane's Rib Shack, 1100 Brampton Avenue Score: 90
Clean AC vents. No sanitizer present in sanitizer bucket. Wipe down shelves in cooler. Keep tops that cover foods on warmer clean of food debris. Clean/sanitize ice machine; bacteria present. Clean can opener. Inspector: Street.
• Dec. 16
Sugar Magnolia Bakery, 106 Savannah Avenue Suite C Score: 92
Observed improper placement of personal beverage; corrected on-site. Working containers of food removed from original container not identified by common name. Cleaned and sanitized equipment, utensils, linens or single-service not properly stored. Very clean. Great job. Inspector: McKanna.
Portal High School, 27245 Highway 80 West Score: 96
Sanitizer bucket: 0 sanitizer ppm. Very clean. Inspector: Street.
Goodbird's, 732 Northside Drive Score: 96
Protect all single-service items. Clean floors under and around all equipment. Repaint/repair any damaged walls, doors or floors in building. Inspector: Thomas.
Portal Elementary, 328 Grady Street, Portal Score: 99
Clean inside microwave oven. Very good. Inspector: Street.
Fordham's Farmhouse Restaurant, 23657 Highway 80 East Score: 86
Clean slicer and ice maker. Observed unlabeled spray bottle of chemical. Observed ice scoop with handle in contact with ice. Equipment and utensils not properly air-dried. Observed a leaking faucet at a hand-wash sink. Damaged walls and broken floor tiles. Clean fans. Inspector: McKanna.
• Dec. 18
Fordham's Farmhouse Restaurant, 23657 Highway 80 East Score: 98 (Reinspection)
Equipment and utensils not properly air-dried. Fantastic job. Inspector: McKanna.
• Dec. 17
Heritage Inn & Rehabilitation, 307 Jones Mill Road Score: 91
Observed employee beverage sitting on a prep surface; corrected on-site. Working containers of food removed from original container not identified by common name. Clean utensils stored incorrectly; corrected on-site. Repair floor tile in dry storage, ceiling in kitchen and wallboard behind sink. Great job. Inspector: McKanna.
• Dec. 18
Langston Chapel, Langston Chapel Road Score: 94
Personal beverages observed over prep and sanitizing areas. Personal beverages observed without lid/straw and in non-single-use containers. Utensils' food contact surfaces stored unprotected. Clean return and exhaust vents. Peeling paint and broken caulk behind ware-washing station. Wipe out spills inside cabinet storage in faculty dining area. Replace ceiling tile in dry storage. Very clean. Wonderful job. Inspector: McKanna.
• Dec. 22
Wendy's, 500 Fair Road Score: 85
Coolers must hold food at 41 degrees F or cooler. Get thermometers in all coolers. Protect all single-service items. Keep cups in plastic sleeves. Replace slicer. Food discarded. Do not use cooler until 41 degrees F temperature can be maintained and rechecked by health department. Inspector: Wiggins.
• Dec. 23
Wendy's, 500 Fair Road Score: 99 (Reinspection)
Replace broken bins and lids. Repair cooler gaskets. Clean around faucet at front beverage area sink. Fantastic work. Very clean. Inspector: McKanna.
- compiled by Rheneta A. Washington Ward