The 2016 Lee-Jackson Banquet, hosted by the Ogeechee Rifles Camp #941 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, will be held Saturday, Jan. 9, at R.J.s Grill on South Main Street in Statesboro.Featured speaker will be Savannah attorney and historian David H. Dickey, delivering a presentation called “All Gone But the Memories,” an account of Union General William Tecumseh Sherman’s 1964-65 “March to the Sea” from Atlanta to Savannah, derived from ”actual orders and directives … and communications” from and between Sherman and his officers, said SCV member Mike Mull. Sherman claimed to have caused over $1 million (by 1864 standards) in damages on the march, he said.The Lee-Jackson Banquet is held in honor of Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson.Tickets are $10 each, excluding the price of your meal. Children under 12 will not require tickets.
Lee-Jackson Banquet set for Saturday
Event to be held at R.J.s Grill