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Letter - Problems with our child support system
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Dear Editor,
     I have never been more disgusted with our judicial system and the lack of action for our children that have to go without basic needs because non-custodial parents are playing the child support system to their benefit.
     As of January 2007 my ex-husband owes $2,500 in back child support. After a recent conversation with Child Support Enforcement I was dismayed to learn that because of overcrowding in the jail that non-custodial parents who cannot pay their arrears in child support are allowed to walk free from court instead of being jailed for non-payment.
    I feel this is a great disservice to our children of Bulloch County. If I fail to provide for my child then I have to answer to the Department of Family and Children Services and then face possible  criminal charges and losing my child. If I, as the custodial parent are required to adhere to these standards and laws, then why aren't the dead beat parents held accountable as well.
     To date, thousands of dollars are owed to the children of Bulloch County.  And who is it that picks up the tab for  these dead beat parents?  We do as taxpayers. The drain on our economy to help support our children, i.e., food stamps, Medicaid, AFDC/TANIF must be perfectly acceptable to our judges and county commissioners of Bulloch County.  The court calendar is already backed up at least 3-5 months.  Child Support Enforcement works diligently to try to collect support for all of our children but their hands are tied when they receive no support from the judges in this town and the court system.      
    Overcrowding of the jail is NOT an acceptable excuse for not enforcing the laws that the judges are duly bound to uphold.  Bulloch County has failed miserably with providing any type  of legal ramifications for not supporting all of these children.  This is neglect. 
    Can Bulloch County be held responsible just like I am?  I have to provide for my child. That is a given.  That is the law.  Bulloch County court system is neglecting our children.  What kind of message is this sending to the non custodial parent?  Exactly this:  They can get away with it because the jail is overcrowded and the judge is under pressure from the sherriff's department not to exceed the maximum capacity.
    There is plenty of room out in the yard.  At the work camp. I could care less if they have a bed, they are criminals.  As one child support enforcement employee stated, "Stack them up like cord wood for all I care". Well, find a place for them and take responsibility for enforcing the laws that they took a oath to uphold.  Night court, weekend court, whatever it  takes.  Our children deserve it.
    County Commissioners, Judges, Court System, Sherriff's Office, it is time to step up to the plate.  This is neglect and abandonment.  Why can't you be charged as well. Our children depend on you. Our children are waiting.
Patricia Parrish
Brooklet, GA
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