The Georgia Department of Revenue continues to collect sales taxes on auxiliary power charges that are not connected to actual electrical usage. There is no way that a sales tax should be applied monthly to a meter rental fee, a franchise fee or an environmental compliance cost.
Thanks to Representative Bob Lane, it was discovered last month that the Revenue Department requires Georgia Power to apply a sales tax to each of these additional fees. This rather independent branch of our government appears to act with impunity, and does not respond to letters questioning their actions. It has been established that the governor's office, the state Legislature and the Public Service Commission all have implied that these additional taxes should be challenged.
Unfortunately, it's a situation best described by the story of the mice who collectively agreed that a bell should be fastened to the cat's collar. The only problem was that no individual mouse would volunteer to do the job.
John E. Carlson
The Georgia Department of Revenue continues to collect sales taxes on auxiliary power charges that are not connected to actual electrical usage. There is no way that a sales tax should be applied monthly to a meter rental fee, a franchise fee or an environmental compliance cost.
Thanks to Representative Bob Lane, it was discovered last month that the Revenue Department requires Georgia Power to apply a sales tax to each of these additional fees. This rather independent branch of our government appears to act with impunity, and does not respond to letters questioning their actions. It has been established that the governor's office, the state Legislature and the Public Service Commission all have implied that these additional taxes should be challenged.
Unfortunately, it's a situation best described by the story of the mice who collectively agreed that a bell should be fastened to the cat's collar. The only problem was that no individual mouse would volunteer to do the job.
John E. Carlson