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Writer of doom and gloom check fact
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    This is in response to Rachel Schneider’s doom and gloom letter to the editor on October 15th. One would think our country would be on the verge of mass starvation and that society is about to collapse based on the issues which she enumerated.
    Many of her statements are just factually incorrect and are nothing more than liberal and media talking points. For example, her statements concerning cutbacks in domestic programs and impoverishment of local schools are erroneous. One complaint many of us have about this conservative administration is the proliferation in federal spending since President Bush took office. Many of these programs including federal spending on education have increased from 30 to 50 percent in the past six years. Also, regarding her statement on the inability to sell property due to high interest rates is amusing. Actually, long term rates this decade have been the lowest in a generation while property values have soared with increased demand.
    Some of the things she says are correct but do not explore the reality of the issue. It may be that high gasoline prices have been caused by supply/demand issues including hurricane damage to the oil supply infrastructure and increased consumption by foreign countries instead of some Bush-Cheney conspiracy.
    She complained about long lines caused by airport security checks. This would seem preferable to allowing a terrorist to board a plane with explosives.
    Another concern of hers was the comment on an increase in religious fanaticism. She does not elaborate so we are left to wonder if she is referring to the radical Muslims who have beheaded our citizens in the Mideast. More likely, this is an assault on church-going Americans who are pro-life and support traditional values. Additionally, her comments about a climate of intolerance on diversity and social issues are liberal code words for its support of gay marriage among other things.
    Despite all of the writer’s complaints, maybe she can be cheered up by reminding her that we have the lowest unemployment rate in memory and that there have been no terrorist attacks in this country since 9/11. Many of us are also impressed by lower tax rates and by the appointment of conservative judges to the federal judiciary.
    Finally, the writer’s article is like other left-wing commentators in that no positive alternative ideas are offered to problems in Iraq, immigration, social issues, etc. It’s simpler to blame Bush than to offer solutions to problems. The public will do well to remember this at election time.
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