Bulloch Telephone Cooperative has been serving Bulloch County businesses and residences since 1951. They take pride in being the only locally owned and operated full service communication and technology service provider in Bulloch County.
With the dedicated leadership of their Board of Directors and General Manager, Bulloch Telephone provides their customers with the latest in cutting edge technology at affordable rates while enhancing the quality of life in our community, both through service and involvement.
Bulloch Telephone became Georgia's first and only Certified GIG Capable Provider by the NTCA, The Rural Broadband Association. Bulloch Telephone has taken unprecedented steps by investing over $7 million in building a fiber optic network to support our downtown business corridor offering a fiber optic ring with five diverse paths for redundancy.
Bulloch Telephone is proud to announce they can now offer GigaBT, the fastest internet connection in Georgia, to their business customers. They feel this will establish Bulloch County as a leader in the State of Georgia in terms of internet speed and capacity. This enhancement will greatly improve the recruitment efforts for future industry and business growth.
Bulloch Telephone currently supports over 350 business customers today in the downtown business corridor. Bulloch Telephone fully understands the importance of providing a custom engineered state of the art solution. One that delivers reliability, quality of service and customer satisfaction that exceeds the expectations of the staff, management and owners.
If your business would like to have a true communication business partner that puts the customer first, please contact Bulloch Telephone to schedule a free consultation with their dedicated business solutions consultant Walter Saunders. Be sure to ask about their Business Priority One Service.
Bulloch Telephone is a local business working to build a better Statesboro and Bulloch County. Come join the Bulloch Telephone family and have the communication partner you and your business deserve. Contact them today at (912) 865-1100 or stop by their office at 2903 Northside Drive West. You can also find them on the web at www.bulloch.net.
Bulloch Telephone is the GigaBT leader in Bulloch County

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