Host Phil Boyum welcomed Jake Hallman, his former partner on the “Phil and Jake” Studio Statesboro show, to Wednesday's “Mornings unPHILtered” show. Hallman currently is a professional musician, a freelance photographer and columnist for the Connect Statesboro magazine.
He came on the show to share his thoughts on the proposed new gun law allowing licensed concealed carry into more areas that is being considered by the Georgia Legislature.
As a self-described “Liberal Democrat,” Hallman said he is also the holder of a Georgia firearms permit. According to Hallman, the state legislature is thinking of loosening existing laws surround restrictions on where you can bring your gun if you have a concealed carry permit.
Under the new proposal, you could legally carry guns in school zones, churches, college campuses, and even into an airport, if you have a permit.
Hallman expressed his opinion that it's too easy to get a concealed carry gun permit in Georgia. All it takes is to give a set of fingerprints for a background check and payment of a $50 fee.
Considering how hard it is to get other kinds of licenses in, Hallman said he believed gun permit requirements need to be made more comprehensive.
Essentially, someone with no training or experience in handling and firing a weapon can request a gun firearm permit.
Personally, Hallman says, he is in favor of the Second Amendment rights for Americans, but also believes very strongly that allowing weapons to be carried more places by people with no training is setting a very bad precedent.
Other states, such as Texas and Tennessee, currently require people who are licensed to carry concealed weapons undergo both testing in handling and firing their weapons.
Even more important, Hallman said, is that people begin considering asking new concealed gun applicant to understand where and when they might be able to carry their weapon, and maybe even ask for a basic reason why it is necessary that they carry a concealed weapon.
Hallman said that what needs to be changed in Georgia's gun laws is the lack of common sense as to what people need to know before even considering carrying a weapon, concealed or not.
“Mornings unPHILtered” airs live Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. on and also simulcast on WWNS-AM 1240 on the radio. You also can listen anytime at on