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April 17 - Mr. Harold F. Arnold, "Hank," "Bud," age 88, died Wednesday, April 14, 2010, at Ogeechee
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Harold F. ArnoldHodges-Moore Funeral Home STATESBORO, Ga. — Mr. Harold F. Arnold, "Hank," "Bud," age 88, died Wednesday, April 14, 2010, at Ogeechee Area Hospice Inpatient Facility. Leola Walker BellWhitaker Funeral Home Emanuel County native Leola Walker Bell entered into eternal on Wednesday, April 14, 2010, in the East GA Regional Medical Center. Mr. Danny Edward HodgesHodges-Moore Funeral Home BROOKLET, Ga. — Mr. Danny Edward Hodges, age 55, died early Friday at East Georgia Regional Medical Center.
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Mr. Donald W. Tillery
Joiner-Anderson Funeral Home & Crematory
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Statesboro, Ga. — Mr. Donald W. Tillery, age 73, passed away Wednesday morning, July 4th, 2018, under the care of Ogeechee Area Hospice inpatient facility in Statesboro.
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