Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.
Statesboro Police, Bulloch County Sheriff, Georgia Southern University, and Georgia State Patrol arrests made Friday through Sunday will be reported Tuesday.
Georgia Southern University
Taylor Lee McGaha, 18, Southern Courtyard — underage possession of alcohol.
Phillip James Sheffield, 18, Centennial Place — possession of marijuana.
Joseph Daniel Dipolito, 21, Lakeside Drive, Monroe — aggravated battery.
Deavin Arae Loggins, 18, Northside Drive, Jonesboro — underage possession of alcohol.
Brooklet Police Department
Enrico Robinson, 43, Burkhalter Road — wanted, suspended, head light requirements, and seat belt violation.
Statesboro Police, Bulloch County Sheriff, Georgia Southern University, and Georgia State Patrol incidents occurring Friday through Sunday will be reported Tuesday.
Georgia Southern University
(Nov. 11-13)
Officers issued 10 traffic citations, nine traffic warnings, assisted five motorists and investigated one accident.
SOUTHERN COURTYARD — An alcohol violation was reported. Also, a drug violation was reported.
RECREATION ACTIVITY CENTER — A wallet and a cell phone were stolen.
Brooklet Police Department
Head light requirements-one; seat belt violation, three; speeding, five; suspended license, one; unregistered or unlicensed vehicle; wanted person, one.
Statesboro-Bulloch County Animal Shelter
The shelter reported the following activity during the week of Nov. 7-13.
Surrendered by citizens (county and City of Statesboro) — 13 cats.
Collected by Humane Enforcement — city of Statesboro area; four dogs. Rural county area; six dogs and five cats.
Adopted from the shelter — six dogs and three cats.
Reclaimed by owners — three dogs.
Died at shelter — two dogs.
Euthanized — 13 dogs and four cats.
Police Report 11-20-11 - Cell phone, wallet reported stolen