Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.
Information from Friday through Monday will be
published Wednesday.
Chquitto Renoldo Lee, 24, Oak Lane, Portal — no driver’s license.
Bobby Lee Mancil, 43, Whitlock Street, Brunswick —public intoxication, probation violation, obstructing emergency medical technicians.
David Robert Gully, 33, Bermuda Run Apartments —DUI (refused test), reckless driving.
Robert Wu Tang, 22, Northwest Lakeside Drive, Kennesaw — no insurance, expired tag.
Robbie Wayne Whitley, 41, Dry Branch Village —bench warrant.
Mateo Gabriel Bacilio, 31, Bragan Road, Brooklet —battery, disorderly conduct, public intoxication, obstruction, third degree cruelty to children, probation violation, on hold for Immigration Enforcement.
Maricela Riso-Rodriquez, 20, Sandy Way — no driver’s license.
PLANTERS LANE —(Statesboro) A woman pushed another off a porch during an argument about homosexuality and race. The woman accused of pushing the complainant said the complainant was very intoxicated, had insulted several people at the gathering and refused to leave. She said she tried escorting her off the property and the complainant bit her.
THOMAS VILLAGE —(Clito) A woman Called 911 to report a masked man trying to break into her home. Deputies found no one when they arrived. The woman said he left walking after she called for help.
PRATHER ROAD —(Brooklet) Deputies met with a man who reported finding a juvenile boy wandering in and out of traffic. The child was turned over to his father and grandparents while a woman was listed as a suspect for child abandonment.
SPELL MINCEY ROAD — (Portal) A woman reported being bitten by a dog.
BRUISER CIRCLE —(Statesboro) A man reported the theft of two trash cans. He told deputies the company that handled trash removal said he would have to pay $200 if he did not report them stolen.
SOUTHEAST BULLOCH MIDDLE SCHOOL — (Brooklet) A student was arrested for marijuana possession.
ARCOLA ROAD —(Pembroke) A woman reported $200 stolen.
Information unavailable Monday. Reports from Friday through Monday will be published Wednesday.
Officers issued two traffic citations Friday, two Saturday and three Sunday.
Matthew Tanner Garrett, 18, Cambridge Drive MS — DUI and failure to maintain lane.
SATURDAY — Officers issued three traffic warnings and responded to one alarm.
SUNDAY — Officers issued two traffic warnings.
Law Enforcement Reports
Central 911 Dispatchers issued the following calls Friday – Monday:
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Department/Friday — 14 calls.
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Department/Saturday — 15 calls.
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Department/Sunday — 18 calls.
Statesboro Police Department/Friday — 27 calls.
Statesboro Police Department/Saturday — 14 calls.
Statesboro Police Department/Sunday — 15 calls.
Georgia Southern University Police/Friday — no calls.
Georgia Southern University Police/Saturday —one call.
Georgia Southern University Police/Sunday — no calls.
Georgia State Patrol/Friday — five calls.
Georgia State Patrol/Saturday — seven calls.
Georgia State Patrol/Sunday — two calls.
Candler County Sheriff’s Department/Friday — 10 calls.
Candler County Sheriff’s Department/Saturday — 11 calls.
Candler County Sheriff’s Department/Sunday — seven calls.
Evans County Sheriff’s Department/Friday — two calls.
Evans County Sheriff’s Department/Saturday — six calls.
Evans County Sheriff’s Department/Sunday — two calls.
Claxton Police Department /Friday — two calls.
Claxton Police Department/Saturday — no calls.
Claxton Police Department/Sunday — two calls.
Brooklet Police Department/Friday — one call.
Portal Police Department/Sunday — one call.
Fire Department Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Friday – Sunday:
Statesboro Fire Department/Friday — one call.
Statesboro Fire Department/Saturday — one call.
Statesboro Fire Department/Sunday — three calls.
Bulloch County Volunteer Firefighters/Saturday — two calls.
Bulloch County Volunteer Firefighters/Sunday — 10 calls.
Metter Fire Department/Saturday — two calls.
Metter Fire Department/Sunday — one call.
Claxton Fire Department/Saturday — one call.
Emergency Medical Service Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Friday – Sunday:
Bulloch County EMS/Friday — 13 medical calls.
Bulloch County EMS/Saturday — one accident call, one fire call and 15 medical calls.
Bulloch County EMS/Sunday — three fire calls and 10 medical calls.
Candler County EMS/Friday — four medical calls.
Candler County EMS/Saturday-one accident call and five medical calls.
Candler County EMS/Sunday — two medical calls.
Evans County EMS/Friday - seven medical calls.
Evans County EMS/Saturday — three medical calls.
Evans County EMS/Sunday — two medical calls.
Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Friday — seven miscellaneous calls and one to Bulloch County First Responders.
Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Saturday — a call to the Bulloch County coroner, six calls to Bulloch County First Responders and a call to Georgia Forestry Bulloch.
Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Sunday — three calls to Bulloch County First Responders, one call to Evans county First Responders, two calls to Georgia Forestry Commission Bulloch, one to Georgia Forestry Commission Candler, and three miscellaneous calls.
Compiled by Holli Deal Bragg
Police Report 6-9-11 - A woman pushed another off a porch