Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.
John Deal Hagins, 28, Denmark Street — wanted person.
WILLIE’S FAST FOOD — A man reported a shattered window.
BEST WESTERN UNIVERSITY INN — A man and woman argued over a cigarette. The woman said the man grabbed her by the neck. He was arrested, not for the attack, but on probation violation charges by another agency.
SOLOMON CIRCLE — A woman said an unknown man threatened her when she picked up her child.
EAST MAIN STREET —Police responded to two related domestic disputes.
CAMBRIDGE AT SOUTHERN — A man reported seeing two men trying to steal bicycles from his truck bed.
JULIA P. BRYANT — An unruly juvenile refused to exit a bus after causing problems, then snatched away from an officer and began cursing. He was arrested.
Phillip Wesley Hulsey, 32, Hood Road — financial transaction card theft, financial transaction card fraud, obstruction, possession of a controlled substance
Ricky Allen Wall Jr., 22, Watts Road, Guyton — probation violation.
John Deal Hagins, 28, Denmark Street — probation violation.
Donald Lee Jones, 43, N. Jones Street, Portal — child support lockup (failure to pay child support).
Thomas Jameson Lanier, 22, Swallowtail Drive — probation violation.
DELOACH CHURCH ROAD — (Statesboro) A woman said someone shined a flashlight into her home and tried to break in.
OLD GROVELAND ROAD — (Nevils) A woman with visible injuries said a man attacked her in the presence of her infant. The man was not found but warrants will be issued, reports stated.
G.W. OLIVER SPUR — A woman reported a man trying to steal scrap metal.
GA. 46 — (Pembroke) A man reported someone stole a pile of aluminum cans and other metal from his property.
Seat belt citations —none.
Child restraint citations — none.
Speeding citations —none.
Total citations — two.
Crashes investigated —three.
Fatalities reported —none.
Total vehicle stops — four.
Seat belt warnings — four.
Child restraint warnings — none.
Speeding warnings —two.
Total warnings issued —nine.
Wanted persons apprehended — none.
Stolen vehicles recovered — none.
Road checks performed — one.
Motorists assisted — one.
Miles patrolled — 444.
Officers issued nine traffic citations Wednesday.
John Mitchell Hensley, 19, Georgia Avenue — underage possession of alcohol, DUI, failure to obey traffic control device.
Officers issued nine traffic warnings and assisted five motorists, aided two sick persons, responded to two alarms and responded to one motor vehicle accident Wednesday.
ANDERSON PAVILION — A cell phone and wallet were reported stolen.
CENTENNIAL PLACE APARTMENTS — A pair of sunglasses were reported stolen.
911 Law Enforcement
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Wednesday:
Bulloch County Sheriff’s Department — 10 calls.
Statesboro Police Department — 25 calls.
University Police Department — one call.
Georgia State Patrol —two calls.
Candler County Sheriff’s Department — three calls.
Evans County Sheriff’s Department — two calls.
Claxton Police Department — one call.
Brooklet Police Department — three calls.
911 Fire Department Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued no calls Wednesday:
911 EMS Reports
Central 911 dispatchers issued the following calls Wednesday:
Bulloch County EMS —18 medical calls.
Candler County EMS —two medical call.
Evans County EMS —six medical calls.
Central 911 dispatchers also routed the following calls Wednesday:
Bulloch County First Responders — two calls.
Evans coroner — one call.
Bulloch County Correctional Institute — two calls.
— compiled by Holli Deal Bragg.
Police Report 9-2-11; A man reported seeing two men trying to steal bicycles from his truck bed.