WASHINGTON — Suggesting an uphill fight for President Barack Obama, House members staking out positions are either opposed to or leaning against his plan for a U.S. military strike against Syria by more than a 6-1 margin, a survey by The Associated Press shows. The Senate is more evenly divided ahead of its vote this week.Still, the situation is very fluid. Nearly half of the 433-member House and a third of the 100-member Senate remain undecided.Among the ranks of the undecided is U.S. Rep. John Barrow, D-Ga. His spokesman, Richard Carbo, said Friday that Barrow’s position is undecided, but he plans to attend a classified briefing Monday."Any proposal should outline what we hope to achieve, and how we expect to achieve it, but we should not authorize anything that could draw us into another land war, " Barrow told the Statesboro Herald earlier last week.
Poll: House leaning against attack
But many, including Barrow, undecided on Syrian action