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Public invited to Christmas shows at Bulloch public schools
Julia P Christmas
Julia P. Bryant Elementary students opened their 2023 Holiday Musical with a bang last year. - photo by SCOTT BRYANT/file

Bulloch County elementary, middle and high schools will offer a variety of holiday and Christmas shows over the next two weeks at campuses all around the school district.

The public, along with all parents, guardians and relatives of students, is invited to attend the performances.

Here is a schedule of events as of Dec. 7. More events will be added:


Monday, Dec. 9, 7 p.m. – Southeast Bulloch High presents “Our Place” - SEBHS Auditorium

Southeast Bulloch High School Drama students will perform the one-act-play, “Our Place,” which is their production for this year’s Literacy competition. It is a collection of scenes taking place on an old dock to find meaning in ways both comedic and tragic. Tickets are $5 each. They can be purchased by cash or check from a drama student or purchased online via the GoFan link on the school’s website homepage or at

Tuesday, Dec. 10, 6 p.m. – Brooklet Elementary School Chorus Concert - BES Multipurpose Room

Tuesday, Dec. 10, 6-7 p.m. – Julia P. Bryant Elementary Holiday Musical, at JPBES Cafeteria

Julia P. Bryant Elementary’s second and third-grade students will present the school’s holiday musical.

Tuesday, Dec. 10, 6-7 p.m. – Portal Middle High School Seasonal Showcase & Fine Arts Night

Tuesday, Dec. 10, 6:30 p.m. – Nevils Elementary School Holiday Traditions Night Concert, at NES

Thursday, Dec. 12, 9:30 a.m. – Brooklet Elementary Chorus to perform at the Savannah Airport’s Annual School Music Days

Students will perform holiday favorites for travelers this season.

Thursday, Dec. 12, 6 p.m. – Sallie Zetterower Elementary Christmas Concert, at SZES

Second and third-grade students will perform a holiday musical for families and the community. 

Saturday, Dec. 14, Noon – Southeast Bulloch High JROTC to participate in Fort Stewart’s Wreaths for Warrior Walk as escorts for Gold Star families

The Wreaths for Warrior Walk is an annual event hosted by Fort Stewart’s 3rd Infantry Division, who fought during the Global War on Terrorism in both Iraq and Afghanistan. During that time the Division lost 469 Soldiers. The Division planted Crepe Myrtles along walkways around Cottrell field which is the Division Parade Field, one for every soldier who was lost.

During the Christmas season Gold Star families come to Fort Stewart where they are given a wreath to attach to the tree of their fallen loved ones. Southeast Bulloch High School’s JROTC cadets will escort families as they attach the wreaths. There will also be JROTC units from Bradwell Institute and Liberty County High School however, SEBHS’s cadets will be the escorts and wreath layers during the ceremony. 

While at Fort Stewart, cadets will get to meet the 3rd Infantry Division Commander, Division Command Sergeant Major, Division Staff Officers, and both 1st Brigade and 2nd Brigade Command Teams. This is an opportunity for the Cadets to serve the Coastal Georgia community and the U.S. Army. 

Saturday, Dec. 14, 7 p.m. & Sunday, Dec. 15, 3 p.m., Statesboro High presents, "It's a Wonderful Life-A Radio Play." 

Statesboro High School’s Theatre Troupe will present the radio play based on Frank Capra's classic film "It's a Wonderful Life." It tells the story of an angel sent from Heaven to help a desperately frustrated businessman by showing him what life would have been like if he had never existed. General admission tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students and children. They may be purchased online before the show at or at the door by scanning the provided QR code.

Monday, Dec. 16, 6-7 p.m. – William James Middle Winter Band Concert, at Statesboro High School

Tuesday, Dec. 17, 5:30 -7 p.m. – Langston Chapel Elementary Christmas Musical, at LCES

Tuesday, Dec. 17, 6 p.m. – Mattie Lively Elementary School Kindergarten & First-Grade Musical, at MLES

Wednesday/Thursday, Dec. 18-19, 7-9 p.m. – Southeast Bulloch High Winter Choral Concerts, at SEBHS Auditorium

Friday, Dec. 20, 1 p.m. – Mill Creek Elementary School Christmas Concert, at MCES



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