Incumbent Bulloch County Commissioner William Robert Rushing, who is seeking a third term on the commission, and said his past record of community service speaks for itself.Rushing, 69, is challenged by Jim Anderson Benton in the Republican primary for commission seat 2-D. Early voting is underway, and election day is May 20.Since his election eight years ago, Rushing said he has been involved in several accomplishments in Bulloch County, including working with the Bulloch County Development Authority in developing the industrial park on Interstate 16, welcoming new industries such as Great Dane to the Gateway Industrial Park, adding a second EMS station in Brooklet, forming the Bulloch County Fire Department and adding substations across the county to reduce insurance ratings, and the current construction of the new Bulloch County annex.The Bulloch County native also said he takes pride in not spending taxpayer money allotted to commissioners for travel and other expenses. His expense account totals zero, he said.Rushing said he has enjoyed being part of Bulloch County’s growth and hopes to continue as the county progresses.“I’ve been to six foreign countries and lived in two, and I’ve seen how much better our country is,” he said. “I want to continue to make our county an even better place to live and work.”Rushing has years of experience in serving the public, having served as a captain in the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, three terms on the Bulloch County Board of Education, two terms on Register Town Council (one as mayor pro tem) and having worked in the past as Register’s fire chief.
Rushing wants to continue serving the community
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