A wrong number turned into an exchange between a woman and a teenage boy that ended with the woman behind bars, said Bulloch County Sheriff's Inv. Jared Akins.
A 13-year-old boy sent a text to the wrong number April 3, but the mistake led to a text "conversation" between him and Sherri Lynn Phillips, 37, Nevils Creek Church Road, Akins said.
The teen portrayed himself as being 15 years old, and the conversation turned into "sexting" — sexually explicit texts, he said.
Phillips and the teen exchanged sexually explicit images of each other during the interaction that occurred between April 3 and 5, he said.
The boy's parents discovered the photos of Phillips and reported the incident to sheriff's deputies, he said. Investigators contacted Phillips, and after finding sexually explicit texts and graphic images on both her cell phone and the teen's cell phone, they charged her with 14 counts of sexual exploitation of children, electronically furnishing obscene material to minors, and sexual exploitation of children via computer, Akins said.
Phillips, the mother of two teenage children, has no prior record of any crime, he said. She was taken to the Bulloch County Jail, where she remains without bond, he said.
Sexting leads to local womans arrest
Investigator: 37-year-olds sexually explicit text messages to boy, 13, discovered by boys parents

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