The St. Philips Parish Chapter of National Society Daughters of the American Colonists met Nov. 15 at Uncle Shug’s Barbecue on South Main St. for their annual Thanksgiving luncheon.
The program and meeting was a celebration of the organizational meeting of the chapter which took place on October 8, 1955 at the home of Mrs. Barney (Jesse Olliff) Averitt.
There were 28 original members who served as officers through the years at the chapter and state levels.
Dr. Betty Lane is the lone surviving charter member and has served as Registrar for the chapter since 1987.
Currently, the chapter has 55 members which makes it the largest NSDAC chapter in Georgia.
Mrs. Jerry Singletary, program coordinator for the meeting, wrote a short play depicting the organizational meeting with members readily playing the role of their mother, grandmother or second cousin, twice removed.
Pictured are members who attended the meeting, several dressed in the style of the 1950’s.