Keep Statesboro-Bulloch Beautiful and the Statesboro Service League will work together to provide workshops at the Statesboro Farmers Market focused on container gardening.
The workshops will start Aug. 12 during the Market’s regular 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. hours and will continue on the second Saturday of the month in September, October and November.
According to a release from Amanda Clements, coordinator for Keep Statesboro-Bulloch Beautiful, the free workshops “aim to expand garden education through hands-on experience of planting seeds and acquiring basic plant care techniques,” she said.
KSBB and the Statesboro Service League officials hope people who participate in the mobile container gardening workshops learn more about gardening and the benefits of food sustainability.
“We are excited to provide Statesboro and Bulloch County residents with a way to learn basic gardening techniques that are free to the public,” said Ashley Sheffield, chair of the Statesboro Service League’s Environmental Committee. “We invite individuals of all ages to visit us at the Statesboro Farmers Market to make and take home their very own container garden.”
KSBB and the Service League the workshops prove popular and will continue into the 2024 Statesboro Farmers Market season.
The Farmers Market is located at 222 S Main St, Statesboro, GA, 30458 behind the Statesboro Visitors and Convention Bureau.
More information may be found at