Combine a master falconer with a wildlife artist and the result is a series of fascinating, highly-detailed paintings and drawings that could only be produced by Steve Hein.
Best known locally as the director of the Center for Wildlife Education and Lamar Q. Ball Raptor Center at Georgia Southern University, Hein’s exhibition, titled “Birds of Prey,” opens Friday, Oct. 7 at 5:30 p.m. in the Main Gallery of the Averitt Center. The gallery is free and open to the public and Hein will be on hand with one of his raptors.
“I would like to thank the staff at the Averitt Center for the Arts and the Statesboro Arts Council for the opportunity to bring my work back home to Statesboro,” Hein said. “Also, I would like to extend my many thanks to the citizens of Statesboro and the Bulloch County community, not only for supporting me as an artist, but also with my continued efforts through the GSU Wildlife Center. My job at GSU and as an artist allows me the opportunity to fulfill my passion for nature each day of my life.”
During his career, Hein has received the Georgia Governor’s Artist of Excellence Award, won the Georgia Wildlife Management Area Stamps design twice and been chosen Georgia Ducks Unlimited Artist of the Year three times. His patrons and sponsors include Ducks Unlimited, Quail Unlimited, the National Wild Turkey Federation, Nations Bank and Coca-Cola.
In addition to his exhibition, Hein will also hold a drawing and painting workshop where he will share his techniques for creating his highly detailed images. The workshop will be on Thursday, Oct. 20 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at the Averitt Center. The fee is $60 for members and $72 for nonmembers. Class size is limited. To register, contact Tony Phillips at 912-212-2787.
Birds of Prey will be on display through Nov. 26.
Steve Hein: 'Birds of Prey' opens at Averitt Center

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