With wide experience as a chef and restaurateur, Joe Tarantino opened Tarantino’s to the public last week. Located at the site of the old Primos Italian Pizza Kitchen on Brannen St., Tarantino’s will offer pizza, various Italian dishes and other specialties.
Tarantino's opens in style
Restaurant owner aims to create an 'experience' for diners
![While fresh pizza gets hustled to a table, Chef Joe Tarantino, right, serves up a buffet and a smile to guest Kay Boyd as Tarantino's restaurant opens its doors for the first time last week. Tarantino says he enjoys the relationships he builds through his](https://statesboroherald.cdn-anvilcms.net/media/images/2021/07/26/images/072121_TARANTINOS_01.max-752x423.jpg)
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