Bulloch County Schools' Aspiring Leaders program has selected 21 teachers for its next cohort of leadership development training.
The third cohort since the program was launched in 2016, it gives teachers the privilege and opportunity to advance their leadership potential. While completion of the program is not a guarantee of being hired for future leadership positions, of the previous two cohorts' 39 participants, 23 have been promoted to serve in school or district administrator positions.
Participants met on Sept. 14 for their first of nine monthly sessions which will culminate on May 10. Facilitated by Mark Wilson, the lessons focus on the district's core values, developing leadership skills to improve school culture, and fostering communication.
Wilson has been a teacher, coach, and principal and since 2012, he’s made it his mission to teach and coach school leaders, particularly about fostering positive school culture and climate. He is a sought after speaker and trainer by state departments of education, regional educational service agencies, school systems and national education associations.
All of the school district's more than 800 teachers were given the opportunity to apply for the program. These are the educators who were selected from applicants for this year's Aspiring Leaders program:
-- Misty Anderson, Sallie Zetterower Elementary
-- Renee Anderson, Brooklet & Nevils Elementary
-- Kris Blythe, Mattie Lively Elementary
-- Jessica Coffey, Virtual Learning Program
-- Savanna Conner, Portal Elementary School
-- Sandy Evans, Southeast Bulloch High School
-- Mallory Hancock, Transitions Learning Center
-- Tracy Hartwell, Central Office
-- Heather Hendrix, Mill Creek Elementary School
-- Jenny Hendrix, Stilson Elementary
-- Shantell Henry, Southeast Bulloch Middle School
-- Lindsey Jackson, Langston Chapel Middle School
-- Rosanne Major, Southeast Bulloch Middle School
-- Stacy McGahee, Southeast Bulloch High School
- Brandon Poole, Southeast Bulloch Middle School
-- Melissa Purvis, Langston Chapel Elementary School
-- Marc Rountree, Langston Chapel Middle School
-- Courtney Seamans, Statesboro High School
-- DeAndra Shuemake, Langston Chapel Middle School
-- Brantley Simmons, Langston Chapel Middle School
-- Vernetta Staten, William James Middle School